Explore Kgololo Academy
Our Mission
At Kgololo Academy we grow and strengthen our academic and character skills and are prepared for success in university and beyond. We work collectively to develop ourselves and others and grow as leaders who lend our voices and align our actions to enrich our communities
Kgololo Academy Values
We do the right thing even when it is difficult. When we see injustice we confront it and when we make a mistake we admit it and strive to do better.
We seek to learn more about the people and the world around us and strive to be open to the perspectives of others.
We see the beauty and value in ourselves, others, and in the world. We walk in love in our relationships by taking care of each other and by caring for our environment.
We believe that everything that we do is a reflection of who we are; we strive to always do our best by putting forth 100% effort.
Our Model
More Time
Kgololo Academy has an extended day programme which runs from 7:25-15:00 Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 7:25-13:00 on Tuesday. More time allows Kgololo Academy scholars to receive 25% more instructional hours than scholars at most public and private schools in South Africa. More time also provides us with the opportunity to build in Art and Physical Education into our school day for all grades.
Rigorous and Culturally Relevant Curriculum
Kgololo Academy’s foundational beliefs around curriculum are to replicate what works by following the data. We use Common Core State Standards from the United States as the data suggests that they lead to better outcomes. In addition to a rigorous curriculum, scholars learn in a space where their voices, culture, language, values, and life experiences are valued by their peers and teachers. In our learning space, scholars are pushed to be critical thinkers and are challenged to recognize and address injustice in the world. As part of our drive to be rigorous and relevant, all Kgololo Academy scholars engage in a dual language programme conducted in isiZulu and English.
Family Engagement
At Kgololo Academy, families are engaged as partners in their child’s education. All families commit to volunteer hours and Kgololo Academy hosts frequent events that provide families with opportunities to learn how to support their child’s academic and social growth.
Talent Development
Kgololo Academy believes in empowering both scholars and teachers with the knowledge that they need to excel. At Kgololo Academy, all instructional staff members, receive on average, close to 300 minutes of professional development inclusive of classroom observations, feedback, and training per week.